This tool can reads billion of LIDAR points from the LAS/LAZ format, triangulates them a seamless TIN, and rasters the TIN onto a DEM that can optionally be tiled. The output is either in BIL, ASC, IMG, XYZ, DTM, TIF, PNG or JPG format. The color ramps can be inverted with ‘-invert_ramp’.
For BIL, ASC, IMG, DTM, and XYZ output one typically stores the actual ‘-elevation’, the ‘-slope, or ‘-intensity’ values whereas the TIF, PNG, and JPG formats are usually used for a ‘-hillshade’, ‘-gray’, or ‘-false’ coloring, or for the ‘-rgb’ raster. The particular range of values to be color mapped can be clamped using ‘-set_min_max 10 100’ or their range computed with ‘-compute_min_max’. The color ramps can be inverted with ‘-invert_ramp’.
By default the generated raster is sized based on the extend of the bounding box. If the LAS/LAZ file was generated using lastile, its extend can be set to that of the tile using the ‘-use_tile_bb’ option. Any lastile-generated buffer that the tile may have had is then not rastered. This allows to avoid boundary artifacts and yet create matching tiles in parallel. It is also possible to define the raster extend with setting ‘-ll min_x min_y’ and ‘-ncols 512’ and ‘-nrows 512’.
Automatically a KML file is generated to allow the resulting DEM to be displayed inside Google Earth (for TIF/PNG/JPG). In case the LAS/LAZ file contains projection information (i.e. a VLR with geokeys) this is used for georeferencing the KML file. It is also possible to provide the georeferencing information in the command-line.
By default triangles whose edges are longer than 100 meters are not rasterized. This value can be changed with ‘-kill 200’. The value is always assumed to be meters and will be multipled with 3.28 for LAS/LAZ files where x and y are known to be in feet.
blast2dem -i ..\data\TO_core_last_zoom.laz -o dem.asc -v
blast2dem -i ..\data\TO_core_last_zoom.laz -o dem.bil -v -step 0.5
blast2dem -i ..\data\TO_core_last_zoom.laz -o dem.bil -v -nbits 16
blast2dem -i ..\data\TO_core_last_zoom.laz -o dem.png -v -utm 17T -hillshade
blast2dem -i ..\data\TO_core_last_zoom.laz -o dem.png -v -utm 17T -hillshade -light 0 0 1
blast2dem -i ..\data\TO_core_last_zoom.laz -o dem.png -v -utm 17T -gray
blast2dem -i ..\data\TO_core_last_zoom.laz -o dem.png -v -hillshade -nrows 200 -ncols 100
blast2dem -i ..\data\TO_core_last_zoom.laz -o dem.png -v -hillshade -nrows 200 -ncols 100 -ll 630300 4834550
using LAZ file from the .\lastools\data folder
blast2dem -i *.las -merged -keep_class 2 8 -o merged.asc
combines the ground points of all LAS files that match *.las, rasters them seamlessly with step size 1, and stores the combined DEM in ASC format.
blast2dem -i *.las -oasc
rasters the elevations of all LAS files *.las with step size 1 and stores each resulting DEM in ASC format.
blast2dem -i *.laz -opng -utm 17T -step 2.5 -hillshade
rasters the hillside-shaded elevations of all LAZ files *.laz with step size 2.5 and stores the resulting DEM in PNG format and with it a KML file that geo-references each PNG in GE with UTM zone 17T.
blast2dem -i huge_lidar.las -o dem.asc -step 2 -keep_class 2
creates a temporary TIN from all points in the LAS file ‘lidar.las’ that are classified as ground, rasters the elevation values of the resulting TIN onto a grid with step size 2, and stores the resulting DEM in ASC format.
blast2dem -i lidar.las lidar2.las lidar3.las -hillshade -opng -step 0.5
creates a hillside-shaded DEM with step size 0.5 units for each of the 3 LAS files ‘lidar1.las’, ‘lidar2.las’, and ‘lidar3.las’ and stores the result in PNG format.
blast2dem -i lidar.las -o dem.tif -first_only -gray -step 2
creates a gray-scale elevation colored DEM of the elevations of lidar.las with step size 2 in TIF format.
blast2dem -i lidar.las -o dem.png -first_only -false -step 2 -utm 14T
same as above but with false elevation coloring and output of a KML file that georeferences the PNG file in Google Earth
blast2dem specific arguments¶
-attribute [n] : use attribute [n] value as output color parameter
-compute_min_max : computes the range for -gray and -false
-elevation : use elevation value as output color parameter
-elevation_feet : use feet for elevation
-false : false-color based on elevation/intensity (used with PNG/TIF/JPG)
-feet : use feet
-float_precision [n] : sets output float precision to [n]{used with ASC/BIL/TIF}
-force_precision : force excessive elevation (z) precision
-gray : gray-scale based on elevation/intensity (used with PNG/TIF/JPG)
-grey : gray-scale based on elevation/intensity (used with PNG/TIF/JPG)
-grid [n] : raster with stepsize [n] {default 1}
-grid_spacing [n] : raster with stepsize [n] {default 1}
-hillshade : color the image with hillside shading
-ilay [n] : apply [n] or all LASlayers found in corresponding *.lay file on read
-ilaydir [n] : look for corresponding *.lay file in directory [n]
-intensity : raster intensities instead of elevations
-invert_ramp : invert color ramp for output
-kill [n] : do not raster triangles with edges longer than [n] units
-light [x] [y] [z] : change the direction of the light vector to [x] [y] [z] for hillside shading
-ll [x] [y] : start rastering at these lower left [x] and [y] coordinates
-nbits [n] : use [n] bits to represent the elevation (mainly used with BIL format)
-ncols [n] : raster at most [n] columns
-nodata [n] : use [n] as the nodata value in the BIL/ASC format
-nrows [n] : raster at most [n] rows
-rgb : use rgb values if available (only used with PNG/TIF/JPG)
-scale [n] : multiply all elevation values by [n] before rastering
-set_min_max [min] [max] : set range of [min] - [max] for -gray and -false
-slope : use slope as output color parameter
-step [n] : raster with stepsize [n] (default=1)
-translate_xyz [x] [y] [z] : translate point coordinates by [x] [y] [z]
-use_orig_bb : raster tile without buffer added by on-the-fly buffering
-use_tile_bb : raster tile without buffer added by lastile
-week_to_adjusted [n] : converts time stamps from GPS week [n] to Adjusted Standard GPS
-cores [n]: process multiple inputs on [n] cores in parallel
-fail : fail if license expired or invalid
-gui : start with files loaded into GUI
-h : print help output
-help : print help output
-license : show license information
-v : verbose output (print extra information)
-verbose : verbose output (print extra information)
-version : reports this tool’s version number
Module arguments¶
-buffered [n] : define read or write buffer of size [n]{default=262144}
-comma_not_point : use comma instead of point as decimal separator
-neighbors [n] : set neighbors filename or wildcard [n]
-neighbors_lof [n] : set neighbors list of files [fnf]
-no_data [n] : use [n] as the nodata value in the BIL / ASC format
-no_data_alpha : adds an alpha channel to the GeoTIFF output, designating areas with no data as transparent
-no_kml : avoids auto-creation of KML wrapper
-no_world_file : avoid world-file for PNG, JPG, TIF and BIL output
-stored : use in memory reader
-clamp_RGB_to_8bit : limit RGB values to 8 bit (otherwise: 16 bit)
-copy_B_into_NIR : copy blue color value into NearInfraRed value
-copy_B_into_intensity : copy blue color value to intensity
-copy_B_into_register [n] : copy blue color value into register [n]
-copy_G_into_NIR : copy green color value into NearInfraRed value
-copy_G_into_intensity : copy green color value to intensity
-copy_G_into_register [n] : copy green color value into register [n]
-copy_NIR_into_intensity : copy NIR into intensity
-copy_NIR_into_register [n] : copy NearInfraRed value into register [n]
-copy_RGB_into_intensity : copy weighted RGB value to intensity
-copy_R_into_NIR : copy red color value into NearInfraRed value
-copy_R_into_intensity : copy red color value to intensity
-copy_R_into_register [n] : copy red color value into register [n]
-copy_attribute_into_B [n] : copy attribute [n] value into blue
-copy_attribute_into_G [n] : copy attribute [n] value into green
-copy_attribute_into_NIR [n] : copy attribute [n] value into NIR (NearInfraRed)
-copy_attribute_into_R [n] : copy attribute [n] value into red
-copy_intensity_into_NIR : copy intensity into NIR (NearInfraRed) value
-copy_register_into_B [n] : copy register [n] into blue color value
-copy_register_into_G [n] : copy register [n] into green color value
-copy_register_into_I [n] : copy register [n] into NearInfraRed value
-copy_register_into_NIR [n] : copy register [n] into NearInfraRed value
-copy_register_into_R [n] : copy register [n] into red color value
-drop_RGB_green [min] [max] : drop points with green color value between [min] and [max]
-drop_RGB_red [min] [max] : drop points with red color value between [min] and [max]
-force_RGB : force the use of the RGB value even if the point format does not support RGB
-keep_NDVI_from_CIR [min] [max] : keep NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) from CIR between [min] [max]
-keep_NDVI_green_is_NIR [min] [max] : keep NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) where green is NIR between [min] [max]
-keep_NDVI_intensity_is_NIR [min] [max]: keep NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) where intensity is NIR between [min] [max]
-keep_RGB_blue [m] [n] : keep points with RGB blue color values between [min] [max]
-keep_RGB_green [min] [max] : keep points with green color value between [min] and [max]
-keep_RGB_greenness [m] [n] : keep points with RGB greenness values between [min] [max]
-keep_RGB_nir [m] [n] : keep points with RGB NIR values between [min] [max]
-keep_RGB_red [min] [max] : keep points with red color value between [min] and [max]
-map_attribute_into_RGB [a] [fnm] : map attribute [a] by table in file [fnm] to RGB values
-scale_NIR [n] : scale NearInfraRed value by factor [n]
-scale_NIR_down : scale NearInfraRed value down by 256
-scale_NIR_to_16bit : scale 8 bit NearInfraRed value to 16 bit
-scale_NIR_to_8bit : scale 16 bit NearInfraRed value downto 8 bit
-scale_NIR_up : scale NearInfraRed value up by 256
-scale_RGB [r] [g] [b] : scale RGB values by factors in [r][g][b]
-scale_RGB_down : scale RGB color values down by 256
-scale_RGB_to_16bit : scale 8 bit color values to 16 bit
-scale_RGB_to_8bit : scale 16 bit color values downto 8 bit
-scale_RGB_up : scale RGB values from 8 bit up to 16 bit (multiply with 256)
-scale_rgb_down : divides all RGB values by 256 (to go from 16 bit to 8 bit numbers)
-scale_rgb_up : multiplies all RGB values by 256 (to go from 8 bit to 16 bit numbers)
-set_NIR [n] : set NearInfraRed value to [n]
-set_RGB [r] [g] [b] : set color to [r] [g] [b]
-set_RGB_of_class [c] [r] [g] [b] : set RGB values of class [c] to [r][g][b] (8 or 16 bit)
-switch_G_B : switch green and blue value
-switch_RGBI_into_CIR : set R to NIR; G to R; B to G
-switch_RGB_intensity_into_CIR : set R to intensity; G to R; B to G
-switch_R_B : switch red and blue color value
-switch_R_G : switch red and green color value
-add_attribute_to_z [n] : add value of attribute [n] to z value
-add_scaled_attribute_to_z [m] [n] : scale attribute [m] value by [n] and add to z value
-auto_reoffset : puts a reasonable offset in the header and translates the points accordingly. Only applicable to LAS/LAZ input files
-bin_Z_into_point_source [n] : set point source to z/[n]
-clamp_raw_z [min] [max] : limit raw z values to [min] and [max]
-clamp_z [min] [max] : limit z values to [min] and [max]
-clamp_z_above [n] : limit z values to maximal [n]
-clamp_z_below [n] : limit z values to minimal [n]
-classify_z_above_as [m] [n] : for z value above [m] set class to [n]
-classify_z_below_as [m] [n] : for z value below [m] set class to [n]
-classify_z_between_as [m] [n] [o] : for z value between [m] and [n] set class to [o]
-copy_attribute_into_x [n] : copy attribute [n] value into x
-copy_attribute_into_y [n] : copy attribute [n] value into y
-copy_attribute_into_z [n] : copy attribute [n] value into z
-copy_intensity_into_z : copy intensity to z value
-copy_register_into_x [n] : copy register [n] to x value
-copy_register_into_y [n] : copy register [n] to y value
-copy_register_into_z [n] : copy register [n] to z value
-copy_user_data_into_z : copy user data into z
-copy_z_into_attribute [n] : copy z value into attribute [n] value
-drop_x [m] [n] : drop points with x value between [m] and [n]
-drop_x_above [n] : drop points with x value above [n]
-drop_x_below [n] : drop points with x value below [n]
-drop_xy [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] : drop points within the [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] rectangle
-drop_xyz [x1] [y1] [z1] [x2] [y2] [z2]: drop points within the given cube dimensions
-drop_y [m] [n] : drop points with y value between [m] and [n]
-drop_y_above [n] : drop points with y value above [n]
-drop_y_below [n] : drop points with y value below [n]
-drop_z [m] [n] : drop points with z value between [m] and [n]
-drop_z_above [n] : drop points with z value above [n]
-drop_z_below [n] : drop points with z value below [n]
-inside [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] : use only points within the [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] rectangle
-inside_circle [x] [y] [r] : keep circle at pos [x] [y] with radius [r]
-inside_rectangle [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2]: use only points within the [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] rectangle
-inside_tile [m] [n] [o] : use only points inside tile at lower-left [x] [y] with size [s]
-keep_circle [x] [y] [r] : keep circle at pos [x] [y] with radius [r]
-keep_profile [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] [w]: keep profile with [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] [w]
-keep_tile [x] [y] [size] : keep tile at lower-left [x] [y] with size [s]
-keep_x [m] [n] : keep points with x value between [m] and [n]
-keep_xy [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] : keep points within the [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] rectangle
-keep_xyz [x1] [y1] [z1] [x2] [y2] [z2]: keep points within the given cube dimensions
-keep_y [m] [n] : keep points with y value between [m] and [n]
-keep_z [m] [n] : keep points with z value between [m] and [n]
-keep_z_above [n] : keep points with z value above [n]
-keep_z_below [n] : keep points with z value below [n]
-offset_adjust : adjusting the offset based on the results of point operations and transformations
-reoffset [x] [y] [z] : puts a new offset [x] [y] [z] into the header and translates the points accordingly
-rescale [x] [y] [z] : puts a new scale [x] [y] [z] into the header and rescales the points accordingly
-rescale_xy [x] [y] : rescale x y by [x] [y]
-rescale_z [z] : rescale z by [z]
-rotate_xy [a] [x] [y] : rotate points by [a] degrees, center at [x] [y]
-rotate_xz [a] [x] [z] : rotate points by [a] degrees, center at [x] [z]
-rotate_yz [a] [y] [z] : rotate points by [a] degrees, center at [y] [z]
-scale_x [n] : scale x value by [n]
-scale_xyz [m] [n] [o] : scale xyz values by [m] [n] [o]
-scale_y [n] : scale y value by [n]
-scale_z [n] : scale z value by [n]
-switch_x_y : exchange x and y value
-switch_x_z : exchange x and z value
-switch_y_z : exchange z and x value
-transform_affine [k,w,x,y] : transform by kcos(w)+ksin(w)+tx;kcos(w)+ksin(w)+ty - angle in second of arc
-transform_helmert [m] [n] [o] : do a helmert transformation with 3 or 7 comma separated parameters [n] …
-transform_matrix [r11,r12,r13] [r21,r22,r23] [r31,r32,r33] [tr1,tr2,tr3]: transform input using matrix [r11,r12,r13] [r21,r22,r23] [r31,r32,r33] [tr1,tr2,tr3]
-translate_raw_x [n] : translate raw x value by [n]
-translate_raw_xy_at_random [x] [y] : translate raw xy values by random and max offset of [x] [y]
-translate_raw_xyz [x] [y] [z] : translate raw coordinates by [x] [y] [z]
-translate_raw_y [n] : translate raw y value by [n]
-translate_raw_z [n] : translate raw z value by [n]
-translate_scale_translate_x [m] [n]: calculate x value as (x–[m])[n]+[m]
-translate_scale_translate_y [m] [n]: calculate y value as (y–[m])[n]+[m]
-translate_scale_translate_z [m] [n]: calculate z value as (z–[m])*[n]+[m]
-translate_then_scale_x [m] [n] : translate x value by [m] and scale by [n]
-translate_then_scale_y [m] [n] : translate y value by [m] and scale by [n]
-translate_then_scale_z [m] [n] : translate z value by [m] and scale by [n]
-translate_x [n] : translate y value by [n]
-translate_y [n] : translate y value by [n]
-translate_z [n] : translate z value by [n]
Simple thinning¶
-drop_every_nth [n] : drop every [n]th point
-keep_every_nth [n] : keep every [n]th point
-keep_random_fraction [m] [n] : keep points by random fraction [m]{0-1}, optional seed [n]
-thin_points_with_time [n] : thin points with time, [n] = timespacing
-thin_pulses_with_time [n] : thin pulses with time, [n] = timespacing
-thin_with_grid [n] : thin points by min grid size of [n]
-thin_with_time [n] : thin pulses with time, [n] = timespacing
Return number¶
-change_extended_number_of_returns_from_to [m] [n]: change extended number of returns from [m] to [n]
-change_extended_return_number_from_to [m] [n]: change extended return number from [m] to [n]
-change_number_of_returns_from_to [m] [n]: change number of returns from [m] to [n]
-change_return_number_from_to [m] [n]: change return number from [m] to [n]
-drop_double : drop double returns
-drop_first : drop first return
-drop_first_of_many : drop first of many returns
-drop_last : drop last return
-drop_last_of_many : drop last of many returns
-drop_middle : drop middle returns
-drop_number_of_returns [n] : drop points with [n] number of returns
-drop_quadruple : drop quadruple returns
-drop_quintuple : drop quintuple returns
-drop_return [m] [n]… : drop points with return [m] [n]…
-drop_return_mask [n] : drop points with return mask [n]
-drop_second_last : drop points with second last return
-drop_single : drop points with single return
-drop_triple : drop points with triple return
-first_only : use first return only
-keep_double : keep double returns
-keep_first : keep first return
-keep_first_of_many : keep first of many returns
-keep_last : keep last return
-keep_last_of_many : keep last of many returns
-keep_middle : keep mittle returns
-keep_number_of_returns [n] : keep points with [n] number of returns
-keep_quadruple : keep quadruple returns
-keep_quintuple : keep quintuple returns
-keep_return [m] [n]… : keep points with return [m] [n]…
-keep_return_mask [n] : keep points with return mask [n]
-keep_second_last : keep points with second last return
-keep_single : keep points with single return
-keep_triple : keep points with triple return
-last_only : use last return only
-repair_zero_returns : sets return counts and number of returns that are zero to one
-set_extended_number_of_returns [n] : set extended number of returns to [n]
-set_extended_return_number [n] : set extended return number to [n]
-set_number_of_returns [n] : set number of returns to [n]
-set_return_number [n] : set return number to [n]
-drop_scan_direction [n] : drop points with scan direction [n]
-faf : input files are flightlines. do NOT use this for tiled input
-faf_index [n] : set files are flightlines index [n]
-files_are_flightlines : input files are flightlines. do NOT use this for tiled input
-drop_edge_of_flight_line : drop points with “Edge of Flight Line” flag set
-keep_edge_of_flight_line : keep points with “Edge of Flight Line” flag set
-keep_scan_direction_change : keep points with changed scan direction flag
-set_edge_of_flight_line [0/1] : set “Edge of Flight Line” flag to [0/1]
-set_scan_direction_flag [0/1] : set scan direction flag to [0/1]
Scanner channel¶
-copy_scanner_channel_into_point_source: copy scanner channel into point_source
-copy_scanner_channel_into_user_data: copy scanner channel into user data
-copy_user_data_into_scanner_channel: copy user data into scanner channel
-drop_scanner_channel [n] : drop points with scanner channel [n]
-keep_scanner_channel [n] : keep points with scanner channel [n]
-merge_scanner_channel_into_point_source: merge scanner channel to point source
-set_extended_scanner_channel [n] : set extended scanner channel to [n]
-set_scanner_channel [n] : set scanner channel to [n]
-split_scanner_channel_from_point_source: split scanner channel from point source and save as extended scanner channel
Source ID¶
-apply_file_source_ID : copy file source ID to target
-bin_Z_into_point_source [n] : set point source to z/[n]
-bin_abs_scan_angle_into_point_source [n]: set point source to scan_angle/[n]
-bin_gps_time_into_point_source [n] : set point source to gps/[n]
-change_point_source_from_to [m] [n]: change point source from [m] to [n]
-copy_attribute_into_point_source [n]: copy attribute [n] value into point source
-copy_classification_into_point_source: copy classification to point source
-copy_point_source_into_register [n]: copy point source into register [n]
-copy_register_into_point_source [n]: copy register [n] to point source
-copy_scanner_channel_into_point_source: copy scanner channel into point_source
-copy_user_data_into_point_source : copy user data into point source
-drop_point_source [n] : drop points with point source [n]
-drop_point_source_above [n] : drop points with with point source above [n]
-drop_point_source_below [n] : drop points with with point source below [n]
-drop_point_source_between [m] [n] : drop points with with point source between [n] and [m]
-keep_point_source [n] : keep points with point source [n]
-keep_point_source_between [m] [n] : keep points with with point source between [n] and [m]
-map_point_source [fnm] : set the point source by map in file [fnm]
-merge_scanner_channel_into_point_source: merge scanner channel to point source
-set_point_source [n] : set point source to [n]
-split_scanner_channel_from_point_source: split scanner channel from point source and save as extended scanner channel
User data¶
-add_scaled_attribute_to_user_data [m] [n]: scale attribute [m] value by [n] and add to user data
-change_user_data_from_to [m] [n] : change user data from [m] to [n]
-copy_attribute_into_user_data [n] : copy attribute [n] value into user data field
-copy_classification_into_user_data : copy classification to user data
-copy_register_into_user_data [n] : copy register [n] to user data
-copy_scanner_channel_into_user_data: copy scanner channel into user data
-copy_user_data_into_attribute [n] : copy user data into attribute [n] value
-copy_user_data_into_classification : copy user data into classification
-copy_user_data_into_point_source : copy user data into point source
-copy_user_data_into_register [n] : copy user data to register [n]
-copy_user_data_into_scanner_channel: copy user data into scanner channel
-copy_user_data_into_z : copy user data into z
-drop_user_data [n] : drop points with user data value of [n]
-drop_user_data_above [n] : drop points with user data value above [n]
-drop_user_data_below [n] : drop points with user data value below [n]
-drop_user_data_between [m] [n] : drop points with user data between [m] and [n]
-keep_user_data [n] : keep points with user data value of [n]
-keep_user_data_above [n] : keep points with user data value above [n]
-keep_user_data_below [n] : keep points with user data value below [n]
-keep_user_data_between [m] [n] : keep points with user data between [m] and [n]
-map_user_data [fnm] : set the user data by map in file [fnm]
-scale_user_data [n] : scale user data by [n]
-set_user_data [n] : sets all user_data fields to [n]
-change_class_from_to [m] [n] : change classification from [m] to [n]
-change_classification_from_to [m] [n]: change classification from [m] to [n]
-change_extended_class_from_to [m] [n]: change extended class from [m] to [n]
-change_extended_classification_from_to [m] [n]: change extended class from [m] to [n]
-classify_attribute_above_as [m] [n] [o]: for attribute [m] with value above [n] set class to [o]
-classify_attribute_below_as [m] [n] [o]: for attribute [m] with value below [n] set class to [o]
-classify_attribute_between_as [m] [n] [o] [p]: for attribute [m] with value between [n] and [o] set class to [p]
-classify_intensity_above_as [m] [n]: for intensity value above [m] set class to [n]
-classify_intensity_below_as [m] [n]: for intensity value below [m] set class to [n]
-classify_intensity_between_as [m] [n] [o]: for intensity value between [m] and [n] set class to [o]
-classify_z_above_as [m] [n] : for z value above [m] set class to [n]
-classify_z_below_as [m] [n] : for z value below [m] set class to [n]
-classify_z_between_as [m] [n] [o] : for z value between [m] and [n] set class to [o]
-copy_classification_into_point_source: copy classification to point source
-copy_classification_into_user_data : copy classification to user data
-copy_intensity_into_classification : copy intensity to classification
-copy_user_data_into_classification : copy user data into classification
-drop_class [m] [n] [o]… : drop points with class in [m][n][o]…
-drop_classification [m] [n] [o]… : drop points with class in [m][n][o]…
-drop_classification_mask [n] : drop points with classification mask matches [n]
-drop_extended_class [m] [n]… : drop extended class [m] [n]…
-drop_extended_classification [n] : drop points with extended classification [n]
-drop_extended_classification_mask [a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g] [h]: drop points with extended classification mask matches [a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g] [h]
-keep_class [m] [n] [o]… : keep points with class in [m][n][o]…
-keep_classification [m] [n] [o]… : keep points with class in [m][n][o]…
-keep_classification_mask [n] : keep points with classification mask matches [n]
-keep_extended_class [m] [n]… : keep extended class [m] [n]…
-keep_extended_classification [n] : keep points with extended class [n]
-move_ancient_to_extended_classification: move old data to extended classification
-set_RGB_of_class [c] [r] [g] [b] : set RGB values of class [c] to [r][g][b] (8 or 16 bit)
-set_classification [n] : set classification to [n]
-set_extended_classification [n] : set extended classification to [n]
Extra byte¶
-add_attribute_to_z [n] : add value of attribute [n] to z value
-add_scaled_attribute_to_user_data [m] [n]: scale attribute [m] value by [n] and add to user data
-add_scaled_attribute_to_z [m] [n] : scale attribute [m] value by [n] and add to z value
-classify_attribute_above_as [m] [n] [o]: for attribute [m] with value above [n] set class to [o]
-classify_attribute_below_as [m] [n] [o]: for attribute [m] with value below [n] set class to [o]
-classify_attribute_between_as [m] [n] [o] [p]: for attribute [m] with value between [n] and [o] set class to [p]
-copy_attribute_into_B [n] : copy attribute [n] value into blue
-copy_attribute_into_G [n] : copy attribute [n] value into green
-copy_attribute_into_I [n] : copy attribute [n] value into intensity
-copy_attribute_into_NIR [n] : copy attribute [n] value into NIR (NearInfraRed)
-copy_attribute_into_R [n] : copy attribute [n] value into red
-copy_attribute_into_intensity [n] : copy attribute [n] value into intensity
-copy_attribute_into_point_source [n]: copy attribute [n] value into point source
-copy_attribute_into_register [m] [n]: copy attribute [m] value into register [m]
-copy_attribute_into_user_data [n] : copy attribute [n] value into user data field
-copy_attribute_into_x [n] : copy attribute [n] value into x
-copy_attribute_into_y [n] : copy attribute [n] value into y
-copy_attribute_into_z [n] : copy attribute [n] value into z
-copy_intensity_into_attribute [n] : copy intensity to attribute [n] value
-copy_register_into_attribute [m] [n]: copy register [m] to attribute [n] value
-copy_user_data_into_attribute [n] : copy user data into attribute [n] value
-copy_z_into_attribute [n] : copy z value into attribute [n] value
-drop_attribute_above [m] [n] : drop points with attribute [m] value > [n]
-drop_attribute_below [m] [n] : drop points with attribute [m] value < [n]
-drop_attribute_between [m] [n] [o] : drop points with attribute [m] in range [n]…[o]
-iadd_attribute [m] [n] [o] [p] [q] [r] [s] [t]: adds a new “extra_byte” attribute of data_type [m] name [n] description [o]; optional: scale[p] offset [q] pre_scale [r] pre_offset [s] no_data_value [t]
-iadd_extra [m] [n] [o] [p] [q] [r] [s] [t]: adds a new “extra_byte” attribute of data_type [m] name [n] description [o]; optional: scale[p] offset [q] pre_scale [r] pre_offset [s] no_data_value [t]
-keep_attribute_above [m] [n] : keep points with attribute [m] value > [n]
-keep_attribute_below [m] [n] : keep points with attribute [m] value < [n]
-keep_attribute_between [m] [n] [o] : keep points with attribute [m] in range [n]…[o]
-load_attribute_from_text [m] [fnt] : load attribute [m] from file [fnt]
-map_attribute_into_RGB [a] [fnm] : map attribute [a] by table in file [fnm] to RGB values
-scale_attribute [m] [n] : scale attribute [m] by [n]
-set_attribute [m] [n] : set attribute [m] with value [n]
-translate_attribute [m] [n] : translate attribute [n] by [n]
-drop_keypoint : drop points flaged as keypoint
-drop_overlap : drop points flaged as overlap
-drop_scan_direction [n] : drop points with scan direction [n]
-drop_synthetic : drop points flaged as synthetic
-drop_withheld : drop points flaged as withheld
-keep_edge_of_flight_line : keep points with “Edge of Flight Line” flag set
-keep_keypoint : keep points flaged as keypoint
-keep_overlap : keep points flaged as overlap
-keep_scan_direction_change : keep points with changed scan direction flag
-keep_synthetic : keep points flaged as synthetic
-keep_withheld : keep points flaged as withheld
-set_edge_of_flight_line [0/1] : set “Edge of Flight Line” flag to [0/1]
-set_extended_overlap_flag [0/1] : set extended overlap flag to [0/1]
-set_keypoint_flag [0/1] : set keypoint flag to [0/1]
-set_overlap_flag [0/1] : set overlap flag to [0/1]
-set_scan_direction_flag [0/1] : set scan direction flag to [0/1]
-set_synthetic_flag [0/1] : set synthetic flag to [0/1]
-set_withheld_flag [0/1] : set withheld flag to [0/1]
GPS time¶
-adjusted_to_week : converts time stamps from Adjusted Standard GPS to GPS week
-bin_gps_time_into_intensity [n] : set intensity time to gps/[n]
-bin_gps_time_into_point_source [n] : set point source to gps/[n]
-drop_gps_time_above [n] : drop points with GPS time above [n]
-drop_gps_time_below [n] : drop points with GPS time below [n]
-drop_gps_time_between [m] [n] : drop points with GPS time between [m] and [n]
-drop_gpstime_above [n] : drop points with GPS time above [n]
-drop_gpstime_below [n] : drop points with GPS time below [n]
-drop_gpstime_between [m] [n] : drop points with GPS time between [m] and [n]
-keep_gps_time [m] [n] : keep points with GPS time between [m] and [n]
-keep_gps_time_above [n] : keep points with GPS time above [n]
-keep_gps_time_below [n] : keep points with GPS time below [n]
-keep_gps_time_between [m] [n] : keep points with GPS time between [m] and [n]
-keep_gpstime [m] [n] : keep points with GPS time between [m] and [n]
-keep_gpstime_above [n] : keep points with GPS time above [n]
-keep_gpstime_below [n] : keep points with GPS time below [n]
-keep_gpstime_between [m] [n] : keep points with GPS time between [m] and [n]
-set_gps_time [n] : set gps time to [n]
-translate_gps_time [n] : translate GPS time by [n]
-bin_gps_time_into_intensity [n] : set intensity time to gps/[n]
-clamp_intensity [min] [max] : limit intensity values to [min] and [max]
-clamp_intensity_above [max] : limit intensity values to maximal [max]
-clamp_intensity_below [max] : limit intensity values to minimal [min]
-classify_intensity_above_as [m] [n]: for intensity value above [m] set class to [n]
-classify_intensity_below_as [m] [n]: for intensity value below [m] set class to [n]
-classify_intensity_between_as [m] [n] [o]: for intensity value between [m] and [n] set class to [o]
-copy_B_into_intensity : copy blue color value to intensity
-copy_G_into_intensity : copy green color value to intensity
-copy_NIR_into_intensity : copy NIR into intensity
-copy_RGB_into_intensity : copy weighted RGB value to intensity
-copy_R_into_intensity : copy red color value to intensity
-copy_attribute_into_I [n] : copy attribute [n] value into intensity
-copy_attribute_into_intensity [n] : copy attribute [n] value into intensity
-copy_intensity_into_NIR : copy intensity into NIR (NearInfraRed) value
-copy_intensity_into_attribute [n] : copy intensity to attribute [n] value
-copy_intensity_into_classification : copy intensity to classification
-copy_intensity_into_register [n] : copy color intensitiy value into register [n]
-copy_intensity_into_z : copy intensity to z value
-copy_register_into_intensity [n] : copy register [n] into point intensitiy value
-drop_intensity_above [n] : drop points with intensity value above [n]
-drop_intensity_below [n] : drop points with intensity value below [n]
-drop_intensity_between [m] [n] : drop points with intensity value between [m] and [n]
-iscale_intensity [n] : scale intensity value by [n]
-itranslate_intensity [n] : translate input intensity by [n]
-keep_NDVI_intensity_is_NIR [min] [max]: keep NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) where intensity is NIR between [min] [max]
-keep_intensity [m] [n] : keep points with intensity between [m] and [n]
-keep_intensity_above [n] : keep points with intensity value above [n]
-keep_intensity_below [n] : keep points with intensity value below [n]
-map_intensity [fnm] : set the intensity by map in file [fnm]
-scale_intensity [n] : multiply intensity by [n]
-set_intensity [n] : set intensity to [n]
-switch_RGB_intensity_into_CIR : set R to intensity; G to R; B to G
-translate_intensity [n] : translate intensity by [n]
-translate_then_scale_intensity [m] [n]: translate intensity by [m] and scale by [n]
Raw point values¶
-clamp_raw_z [min] [max] : limit raw z values to [min] and [max]
-translate_raw_x [n] : translate raw x value by [n]
-translate_raw_xy_at_random [x] [y] : translate raw xy values by random and max offset of [x] [y]
-translate_raw_xyz [x] [y] [z] : translate raw coordinates by [x] [y] [z]
-translate_raw_y [n] : translate raw y value by [n]
-translate_raw_z [n] : translate raw z value by [n]
-add_registers [m] [n] [o] : add register [m] and [n] and store result in register [o]
-copy_B_into_register [n] : copy blue color value into register [n]
-copy_G_into_register [n] : copy green color value into register [n]
-copy_NIR_into_register [n] : copy NearInfraRed value into register [n]
-copy_R_into_register [n] : copy red color value into register [n]
-copy_attribute_into_register [m] [n]: copy attribute [m] value into register [m]
-copy_intensity_into_register [n] : copy color intensitiy value into register [n]
-copy_point_source_into_register [n]: copy point source into register [n]
-copy_register_into_B [n] : copy register [n] into blue color value
-copy_register_into_G [n] : copy register [n] into green color value
-copy_register_into_I [n] : copy register [n] into NearInfraRed value
-copy_register_into_NIR [n] : copy register [n] into NearInfraRed value
-copy_register_into_R [n] : copy register [n] into red color value
-copy_register_into_attribute [m] [n]: copy register [m] to attribute [n] value
-copy_register_into_intensity [n] : copy register [n] into point intensitiy value
-copy_register_into_point_source [n]: copy register [n] to point source
-copy_register_into_user_data [n] : copy register [n] to user data
-copy_register_into_x [n] : copy register [n] to x value
-copy_register_into_y [n] : copy register [n] to y value
-copy_register_into_z [n] : copy register [n] to z value
-copy_user_data_into_register [n] : copy user data to register [n]
-divide_registers [m] [n] [o] : divide register [m] by register [n] and store result in register [o]
-multiply_registers [m] [n] [o] : Multiply register [m] with [n] and store result in register [o]
-scale_register [m] [n] : scale register index [m] with factor [n]
-set_register [m] [n] : set register [m] with value [n]
-subtract_registers [m] [n] [o] : subtract register [m] by register [n] and store result in register [o]
-translate_register [m] [n] : translate register index [m] value by [n]
Scan angle¶
-bin_abs_scan_angle_into_point_source [n]: set point source to scan_angle/[n]
-drop_abs_scan_angle_above [max] : drop points with absolute scan angle above [max]
-drop_abs_scan_angle_below [min] : drop points with absolute scan angle below [min]
-drop_scan_angle_above [n] : drop points with scan angle above [n]
-drop_scan_angle_below [n] : drop points with scan angle below [n]
-drop_scan_angle_between [m] [n] : drop points with scan angle between [m] and [n]
-iscale_scan_angle [n] : scale scan angle by [n]
-itranslate_scan_angle [n] : translate input scan angle by [n]
-keep_scan_angle [m] [n] : keep points with scan angle between [m] and [n]
-keep_scan_angle_between [m] [n] : keep points with scan angle between [m] and [n]
-scale_scan_angle [n] : scale scan angle by [n]
-set_scan_angle [n] : set scan angle to [n]
-translate_scan_angle [n] : translate scan angle by [n]
-translate_then_scale_scan_angle [m] [n]: translate scan angle by [m] and scale by [n]
-keep_tile [x] [y] [size] : keep tile at lower-left [x] [y] with size [s]
-tiles_ns [m] [n] : create a tiling of DEMs with name [m] with tiles of size [n]
-tiling_ns crater 500 : create a tiling of DEMs named ‘crater’ with tiles of size 500
Waveform packet¶
-drop_wavepacket [n] : drop points with wavepacket value of [n]
-flip_waveform_direction : flip the waveform direction in the waveform VLR
-keep_wavepacket [n] : keep points with wavepacket value of [n]
-aeac [m] [n] [meter/survey_feet/feet] [o] [p] [q] [r]: Albers Equal Area Conic Projection: False Easting [m] False Northing[n] [meter/survey_feet/feet] Central Meridian [o] Standard Parallel 1 [p] Standard Parallel 2 [q] Latitude of origin [r]
-ecef : input is geocentric (Earth-centered Earth-fixed)
-elevation_meter : use meter for elevation
-elevation_survey_feet : set vertical units from meters to US survey feet
-elevation_surveyfeet : use survey feet for elevation
-ellipsoid [n] : use the WGS-84 ellipsoid [n]{do -ellipsoid -1 for a list of ellipsoids}
-epsg [n] : set datum to EPSG [n]
-etrs89 : use datum ETRS89
-gda2020 : use datum GDA2020
-gda94 : use datum GDA94
-grs80 : use datum GRS1980
-latlong : geometric coordinates in latitude/longitude order
-lcc 609601.22 0.0 meter 33.75 -79 34.33333 36.16666: specifies a lambertian conic confomal projection
-longlat : geometric coordinates in longitude/latitude order
-meter : use meter
-nad27 : use the NAD27 ellipsoid
-nad83 : use the NAD83 ellipsoid
-nad83_2011 : use datum NAD83_2011
-nad83_csrs : use datum NAD83_CSRS
-nad83_harn : use datum NAD83_HARN
-nad83_pa11 : set horizontal datum to NAD83 PA11
-osgb1936 : use datum OSGB 1936
-sp27 SC_N : use the NAD27 South Carolina North state plane
-sp83 CO_S : use the NAD83 Colorado South state plane for georeferencing
-survey_feet : use survey feet
-surveyfeet : use survey feet as unit of measurement
-target_aeac [m] [n] [meter/survey_feet/feet] [o] [p] [q] [r]: Albers Equal Area Conic Projection for target: False Easting [m] False Northing[n] [meter/survey_feet/feet] Central Meridian [o] Standard Parallel 1 [p] Standard Parallel 2 [q] Latitude of origin [r]
-target_ecef : output is geocentric (Earth-centered Earth-fixed)
-target_elevation_feet : output uses feet for elevation
-target_elevation_meter : output uses meter for elevation
-target_elevation_precision [n] : output uses [n] (meter/feet) resolution for z
-target_elevation_survey_feet : use elevation survey feet as target unit
-target_elevation_surveyfeet : output uses survey feet for elevation
-target_epsg [n] : output is EPSG code [n] (e.g. 2193=NZGD2000)
-target_feet : output uses feet
-target_latlong : output is geometric coordinates in latitude/longitude
-target_lcc 609601.22 0.0 meter 33.75 -79 34.33333 36.16666: specifies a lambertian conic confomal projection at target
-target_longlat : output is geometric coordinates in longitude/latitude
-target_meter : output uses meter
-target_precision [n] : output uses [n] (meter/feet) resolution for x and y
-target_sp27 SC_N : output is state plane NAD27 South Carolina North
-target_sp83 CO_S : output is state plane NAD83 Colorado South
-target_survey_feet : output uses survey feet
-target_surveyfeet : use survey feet as target unit
-target_tm : use transverse mercator projection for target
-target_utm 12T : output is UTM zone 12T
-tm 609601.22 0.0 meter 33.75 -79 0.99996: specifies a transverse mercator projection
-transverse_mercator : use transverse mercator projection
-utm 12T : use UTM zone 12T
-vertical_cgvd2013 : set vertical datum to CGVD2013
-vertical_cgvd28 : set vertical datum to CGVD28
-vertical_dhhn2016 : set vertical datum to DHHN2016
-vertical_dhhn92 : set vertical datum to DHHN92
-vertical_dvr90 : set vertical datum to DVR90
-vertical_epsg [n] : set vertical datum to EPSG [n]
-vertical_evrf2007 : set vertical datum to EVRF2007
-vertical_navd29 : set vertical datum to NAVD29
-vertical_navd88 : set vertical datum to NAVD88
-vertical_ngvd29 : set vertical datum to NGVD29
-vertical_nn2000 : set vertical datum to NN2000
-vertical_nn54 : set vertical datum to NN54
-vertical_nzvd2016 : set vertical datum to NZVD2016
-vertical_wgs84 : set vertical datum to WGS84
-wgs72 : use the WGS-72 ellipsoid
-wgs84 : use the WGS-84 ellipsoid
-filter_and : boolean AND combination of last 2 filters
-filter_or : boolean OR combination of last 2 filters
-filtered_transform : do the transformation only on points of the current filter
-i [fnp] : input file or input file mask [fnp] (e.g. *.laz;fo?.la?;esri.shp,…)
-io_ibuffer [n] : use read-input-buffer of size [n] bytes
-iparse [xyz] : define fields [xyz] for text input parser
-ipts : input as PTS (plain text lidar source), store header in VLR
-iptx : input as PTX (plain text extended lidar data), store header in VLR
-iptx_transform : use PTX file header to transform point data
-iskip [n] : skip [n] lines at the beginning of the text input
-itxt : expect input as text file
-lof [fnf] : use input out of a list of files [fnf]
-unique : remove duplicate files in a -lof list
-merged : merge input files
-stdin : pipe from stdin
-compression_quality [n] : set compression quality to [n] for compressable image formats
-do_not_populate : do not populate header on output
-nil : pipe output to NULL (suppress output)
-o [n] : use [n] as output file
-oasc : output as ascii file
-obil : output as bil (Band Interleaved by Line)
-ocsv : output as CSV (comma separated value)
-ocut [n] : cut the last [n] characters from name
-odir [n] : set output directory to [n]
-odix [n] : set output file name suffix to [n]
-odtm : output as dtm (Digital Terrain Models)
-oflt : output as flt (Float file format)
-oforce : force output creation also on errors or warnings
-oimg : output as img (Image file) (Win32 only)
-ojpg : output as jpg (JPG image)
-olaz : output as LAZ (compressed LAS)
-opng : output as png (PNG image)
-otif : output as GeoTIFF image
-oxyz : output as xyz textfile
-force_tif : force output in TIFF format, regardless of data size. Used in combination with GeoTIFF output
-force_bigTif : force output in BigTIFF format, regardless of data size. Used in combination with GeoTIFF output
-pipe_on : write output to command pipe, see also -std_in
-populate : populate header on output
-target_ecef : output is geocentric (Earth-centered Earth-fixed)
-temp_files [n] : set base file name [n] for temp files (example: E:\tmp)
The ‘-parse [xyz]’ flag specifies how to interpret each line of the ASCII file. For example, ‘tsxyzssa’ means that the first number is the gpstime, the next number should be skipped, the next three numbers are the x, y, and z coordinate, the next two should be skipped, and the next number is the scan angle.
The other supported entries are:
x : [x] coordinate
y : [y] coordinate
z : [z] coordinate
t : gps [t]ime
R : RGB [R]ed channel
G : RGB [G]reen channel
B : RGB [B]lue channel
I : N[I]R channel of LAS 1.4 point type 8
s : [s]kip a string or a number that we don’t care about
i : [i]ntensity
a : scan [a]ngle
n : [n]umber of returns of that given pulse
r : number of [r]eturn
h : with[h]eld flag
k : [k]eypoint flag
g : synthetic fla[g]
o : [o]verlap flag of LAS 1.4 point types 6, 7, 8
l : scanner channe[l] of LAS 1.4 point types 6, 7, 8
E : terrasolid [E]hco Encoding
c : [c]lassification
u : [u]ser data
p : [p]oint source ID
e : [e]dge of flight line flag
d : [d]irection of scan flag
0-9 : additional attributes described as extra bytes (0 through 9)
(13) : additional attributes described as extra bytes (10 and up)
H : a hexadecimal string encoding the RGB color
J : a hexadecimal string encoding the intensity
This tool is part of the BLAST extension pack of LAStools that is built on streaming TINs via spatial finalization & streaming Delaunay. Please license from before you use the tool commercially.
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