Reads LiDAR in the E57 format from a *.e57 file and converts it to either standard LAS, compressed LAZ, or simple ASCII TXT.
By default all scans contained in the E57 file are merged into one output with all invalid points being omitted. The points of different scans are given different point source IDs so that the information which points belong to one scan is preserved. It’s possible to request ‘-split_scans’ and ‘-include_invalid’ to put points from different scans into separate files and/or to include invalid points as well.
Another useful option is ‘-v’ or ‘-verbose’ that informs about the contents and the progress of processing.
Below are some typical example command lines for the data that can be found here: http://www.libe57.org/data.html
e572las -v -i pumpACartesian.e57 -o pumpACartesian.laz
e572las -v -i Station018.e57 -o Station018.laz -set_scale 0.002 0.002 0.002
e572las -v -i trimble.e57 -o trimble.laz
e572las -v -i pump.e57 -o pump.las -split_scans
e572las -v -i trimble.e57 -o trimble.txt -oparse xyzi
e572las -v -i pump.e57 -o pump.laz -include_invalid
By default the tool will apply transformations and/or rotations that it find stored in the pose of each scan. You can ask the tool not to apply those with ‘-no_pose’. To selevtively suppress only transformation or rotation use ‘-no_transformation’ or ‘-no_rotation’
This tool does not support multiple file input. Batch conversion can be done using a batch file like
:: convert all *.e57 files to *.laz
for %%f in (*.e57) do if not exist %%~nf.laz e572las -i %%f -olaz
e572las -i Tikal.e57 -o Tikal.laz
convert from las e57 into LAZ. Result file is much smaller due compression: dir Tikal.* 1,126,514,688 Tikal.e57 172,269,240 Tikal.laz
e572las -v -i pumpACartesian.e57 -o pumpACartesian.laz
file ‘pumpACartesian.e57’ contains 1 scan
processing scan 1 of 1 …
contains grid of 345 by 1074 equaling 370530 points
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
is written with millimeter resolution to ‘pumpACartesian.laz’
215329 invalid points were omitted
scan of ‘pumpACartesian.e57’ contains 215329 invalid points that were omitted
written a total 155201 points
dir pumpACartesian.*
5,261,312 pumpACartesian.e57
444,513 pumpACartesian.laz
e572las -v -i pump.e57 -o pump.laz
file ‘pump.e57’ contains 5 scans. merging …
processing scan 1 of 5 …
contains grid of 242 by 1739 equaling 420838 points
has quaternion (0.999994,0.000820005,0.00268102,-0.00180426) which is applied
has translation (-3.02875,-3.81974,-1.38433) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
all scans are written with millimeter resolution to ‘pump.laz’
246359 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 2 of 5 …
contains grid of 345 by 1074 equaling 370530 points
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
215329 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 3 of 5 …
contains grid of 233 by 1672 equaling 389576 points
has quaternion (0.793531,-0.00198763,0.000784153,-0.608525) which is applied
has translation (0.676397,-5.7837,-1.40222) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
227957 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 4 of 5 …
contains grid of 190 by 1358 equaling 258020 points
has quaternion (0.947786,0.000996269,-0.00143993,0.318902) which is applied
has translation (2.04813,-3.77893,-0.027761) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
139967 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 5 of 5 …
contains grid of 720 by 2000 equaling 1440000 points
has quaternion (0.958191,-0.0112013,0.00244497,-0.2859) which is applied
has translation (-0.642414,-3.60494,-1.43066) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
835362 invalid points were omitted
scans of ‘pump.e57’ contain 1664974 invalid points that were omitted
written a total 1213990 points
dir pump.*
52,496,384 pump.e57
3,374,559 pump.laz
e572las -v -i Station018.e57 -o Station018.laz -set_scale 0.002 0.002 0.002
file ‘Station018.e57’ contains 1 scan
processing scan 1 of 1 …
contains grid of 5026 by 1664 equaling 8363264 points
has quaternion (0.381393,0,0,0.924413) which is applied
has translation (813.17,599.102,29.6163) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
is written with resolution 0.002 0.002 0.002 to ‘Station018.laz’
written a total 4067815 points
dir Station018.*
117,242,880 Station018.e57
15,153,726 Station018.laz
e572las -v -i manitou.e57 -o manitou.laz
file ‘manitou.e57’ contains 5 scans. merging …
processing scan 1 of 5 …
contains grid of 3079 by 388 equaling 1194652 points
has quaternion (0.883724,0.00106198,-0.0013313,0.468005) which is applied
has translation (0.006588,-0.011522,0.003971) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
all scans are written with millimeter resolution to ‘manitou.laz’
848208 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 2 of 5 …
contains grid of 2021 by 255 equaling 515355 points
has quaternion (0.84688,-0.148431,0.243503,0.448853) which is applied
has translation (0.0545705,0.0595203,-0.0199791) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
358947 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 3 of 5 …
contains grid of 3083 by 388 equaling 1196204 points
has quaternion (0.961504,0.000668005,0.00200447,-0.274783) which is applied
has translation (15.8151,-8.602,-0.192073) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
742577 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 4 of 5 …
contains grid of 1046 by 388 equaling 405848 points
has quaternion (0.951362,-0.0401362,0.297261,0.070251) which is applied
has translation (43.2483,-24.8545,-0.67416) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
371670 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 5 of 5 …
contains grid of 2089 by 388 equaling 810532 points
has quaternion (0.909579,0.0705078,0.315922,-0.260553) which is applied
has translation (15.9006,-8.65044,-0.222259) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
705487 invalid points were omitted
scans of ‘manitou.e57’ contain 3026889 invalid points that were omitted
written a total 1095702 points
dir manitou.*
72,008,704 manitou.e57
3,042,730 manitou.laz
e572las -v -i pump.e57 -o pump_scan.laz -split_scans
file ‘pump.e57’ contains 5 scans. splitting …
processing scan 1 of 5 …
contains grid of 242 by 1739 equaling 420838 points
has quaternion (0.999994,0.000820005,0.00268102,-0.00180426) which is applied
has translation (-3.02875,-3.81974,-1.38433) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
is written with millimeter resolution to ‘pump_scan00000.laz’
246359 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 2 of 5 …
contains grid of 345 by 1074 equaling 370530 points
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
is written with millimeter resolution to ‘pump_scan00001.laz’
215329 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 3 of 5 …
contains grid of 233 by 1672 equaling 389576 points
has quaternion (0.793531,-0.00198763,0.000784153,-0.608525) which is applied
has translation (0.676397,-5.7837,-1.40222) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
is written with millimeter resolution to ‘pump_scan00002.laz’
227957 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 4 of 5 …
contains grid of 190 by 1358 equaling 258020 points
has quaternion (0.947786,0.000996269,-0.00143993,0.318902) which is applied
has translation (2.04813,-3.77893,-0.027761) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
is written with millimeter resolution to ‘pump_scan00003.laz’
139967 invalid points were omitted
processing scan 5 of 5 …
contains grid of 720 by 2000 equaling 1440000 points
has quaternion (0.958191,-0.0112013,0.00244497,-0.2859) which is applied
has translation (-0.642414,-3.60494,-1.43066) which is applied
contains intensities (0-1)
contains RGB colors (0-255, 0-255, 0-255)
is written with millimeter resolution to ‘pump_scan00004.laz’
835362 invalid points were omitted
scans of ‘pump.e57’ contain 1664974 invalid points that were omitted
written a total 1213990 points
dir pump.e57 pump_scan*.laz
52,496,384 pump.e57
465,152 pump_scan00000.laz
444,513 pump_scan00001.laz
478,615 pump_scan00002.laz
372,742 pump_scan00003.laz
1,613,204 pump_scan00004.laz
e572las specific arguments¶
-include_invalid : include invalid points into target
-set_scale [x] [y] [z] : quantize ASCII points with [x] [y] [z] (default 0.001 meters)
-split_scans : split output files by scan
-split : split output files by scan
-no_pose : perform neither translation nor rotation
-no_translation : skip translation
-no_rotation : skip rotation
-i : input e57 file
-print_scan_count : just print the number of scans and exit
-scan 1 4 6 … : just process the given scans [1..n]
Any other argument is used as filename if “-i” is not set and the argument does not start with ‘-‘: e572las64 foo.e57
-h : print help output
-help : print help output
-v : verbose output (print extra information)
-verbose : verbose output (print extra information)
-very_verbose : very verbose output (print even more information)
-vv : very verbose output (print even more information)
-version : displays the version number of the tool
-license : print license information
This tool is free to use.
To get more information about a tool just goto the LAStools Google Group and enter the tool name in the search function. You will get plenty of samples to this tool.
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If you have any suggestions please let us (info@rapidlasso.de) know.