
Compresses and uncompresses raster data from ASC, BIL, TIF, IMG format to the compressed RasterLAZ format. The expected inputs are rasters containing elevation data such as DTM, DSM, or CHM rasters, or GEOID difference grids, or forestry metrics. These values will be compressed into the z coordinate of RasterLAZ.



demzip specific arguments

-class [n] : use point class [n]
-classification [n] : set classification to [n]
-cores [n] : process multiple inputs on [n] cores in parallel
-nodata_max [n] : raster values [n] or above considered nodata
-nodata_min [n] : raster values [n] or below considered nodata
-nodata_value [n] : raster value [n] considered nodata
-scale [n] : set vertical resolution to [n] (meter/feet)
-sigmaxy [n] : horizontal accuracy expected at [n] meters (inactive)


-cpu64 : start 64 bit executable (instead of default 32 bit executable)
-fail : fail if license expired or invalid
-gui : start with files loaded into GUI
-h : print help output
-help : print help output
-quiet : nothing reported in console
-v : verbose output (print extra information)
-verbose : verbose output (print extra information)
-version : reports this tool’s version number
-vv : very verbose output (print even more information)


Please license from to use the tool commercially. You may use the tool to do tests with up to 3 mio points. Please note that the unlicensed version may will adjust some data and add a bit of white noise to the coordinates.


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